Sunday, April 23, 2006



cartwheel video

There has been a recent spike of crime in my neighborhood, a teenager was murdered while riding bike two blocks away from my house- the police suspect it was an attempted robbery. Two nights ago two girls were jumped and raped by a guy riding by on his bike - that was 5 blocks from my house. my friend was mugged on my block on his walk home from work earlier this semester. and those are only the ones that I've heard about.
Needless to say I need to get my mind off my fears, so I decided to address an old childhood fear - cartwheels. Once I can face that fear, it almost feals like I have control over my other fears. I don't want to trivialize what's happening, but it's helped to know that I can fight back on some level...

The music is by my favorite band, Minuit. They are from New Zealand and friends of some of my friends. The song I'm using is called "We're All Scared Professor" from their latest album, The Guards Themselves.

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Blogger Devin said...

I like the cartwheel uniform!

Those ones where you legs don't go up in the air so much...I call those dwarf cartwheels.

8:45 PM  
Blogger Cult of Craft said...

I could never do the "perfect, slow-motion" cartwheels either. I did have fantasies about it though.

8:55 AM  
Blogger Devin said...

In response to your comment since I see no e-mail address:

Climbing is much fun. I've definitely noticed a fitness change, namely in the arms, that I haven't really gotten with the other things I do (running, soccer, skiing). It's a lot of fun. I should be going outside to climb Friday the 5th. I look forward to it, I guess it's about 40 min away.

11:39 PM  
Blogger B said...

Are you afraid that you'll lose control when you're up in the air and fall on your head or over backwards? That's why I'm afraid of cartwheels. Would we feel safer if we had someone to spot us?

Please stay safe in your neighborhood. It's a small thing, token really, but do you have mace? It's outlawed in Boston--you're supposed to have a permit--but like fuck I'll get a permit! You do what you gotta do to protect yourself, ok? I got your back, even if it's from across the states.

1:40 AM  
Blogger Carl Weaver said...

I never feared the cartwheel itself but the public humiliation of not being able to do one. I changed schools (moved out of state) in third grade and everyone at the new school could do cartwheels and I couldn't. I found it quite shaming and got picked on in gym class. I hated gym since third grade.

I have always had the strength to hold myself up so I never worried about brain or spinal injuries, falling over, etc. I think that's what a lot of folks worry about.

This was really well done, by the way, on top of telling a story about yourself. Cool!

10:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Bethany I always knew you had capoeira in you but here is the proof!

Injured my wrist a month ago, but hopefuly I'll be back in the roda soon enough to reming the good ol' time in NZ.



9:06 AM  
Blogger Jordan said...

I remember the grapefruit tree, the banana bush, the play house, and the cumquat tree....

12:20 AM  

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